Thursday, February 2, 2012

Upcomming Shows: Hot Lullaby and Art on the Green

Y'all, I'm so excited to announce that I've got two art happenings lined up in February!

The first one was brought my way by my sweet brother-and-sister-in-law up in Nashville. It's called "Hot Lullaby: Art House" and you can go take a gander at the line up for the show right here: . Hot Lullaby is a groovy little art collective in Nashville, and I can't wait to work with them.

The second is right here in Birmingham. It's called "Art on the Green" and is being put on by Operation New Birmingham. The "show" will inhabit all of the vacant store front windows that run along the stretch of 20th Street North in the heart of downtown Birmingham. My space will be between 3rd and 4th Avenues North, so drive or walk by and check out my installation soon! You can go here: to find out more about Art on the Green and Operation New Birmingham.

Stay posted for new work and installation pics soon!

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